Stay Connected – ACT’s Blog

Stay Connected – ACT’s Blog2020-02-18T14:17:28-05:00

What’s in a name?

Is there a difference between a Special Needs and Supplemental Needs Trust? Day-to-Day with ACT Our day-to-day special needs trust services include, but are not limited to: Supervising all aspects of the trust and at all times acting in the beneficiary’s best interests; Offering a line of defense against undue influence from existing friends or family, outside caregivers, and new friends who may suddenly appear once a trust is funded; Abiding by the terms of the trust and reviewing [...]

By |October 5th, 2021|0 Comments

NEW – ACH Option for Reimbursements

ACH information for both Pooled and Non-pooled ACT now has the option of automatic payment for reimbursement to your checking account.There is no fee for this transactionCompletely confidentialYou don’t have to be burdened waiting for reimbursement checksYou don’t have to worry about slow mail or lost checksAll that is needed is to simply fill out the ACH form with the individuals checking or savings account information and reimbursement(s) will be automatically deposited to your selected account.After the form is completed, simply submit the Distribution Request Form, Submit Backup material (eg Reciepts [...]

By |December 9th, 2020|0 Comments

New Name for ACT – Ardent Community Trust of Pennsylvania

Greetings, As the Executive Director of ACT, I want to thank you for your confidence in ACT for the management and oversight of your Special Needs Trust. I also am excited to share news about ACT’s new name and our shared vision for the future. ACT’s mission remains the same for two decades; to serve as trustee for a variety of special needs trusts with integrity and in a manner that exceeds best-practice fiduciary standards, protecting public benefits and financial assets for the beneficiary. In an [...]

By |December 4th, 2020|0 Comments


In 2001 ACT was incorporated as a non-profit charitable organization in Pennsylvania for the purpose of administering a pooled special needs trust for the benefit of individuals with disabilities.  Over the years ACT also became Trustee for other special needs trusts, including Third Party Special Needs Trusts, which are funded with the assets of someone other than the Trust Beneficiary; Non-Pooled Special Needs Trusts, which are funded with assets belonging to the Trust beneficiary; and, educational special needs trusts.

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